Friday, August 22, 2008

Only a few days left

Well, it is my last few days here in Cayambe. It´s coming to a bittersweet end, as I have enjoyed my time here during training, but it is definitely time to start a new chapter.

Quito is going to be CrAzY! but super fun for we´ll all get to unwind a little before we split our ways. In the mean time, here are some things I´m going to miss (or not miss) while I´m here.

1) Breastfeeding: Wow. Never had I thought breastfeeding would be an issue, but women here have NO shame when it comes to feeding your child. Anywhere, anytime women will just pull down their shirt and BAM! milk the baby. I was literally talking to this woman, her child WALKED UP to her and she just whipped out her breast and started feeding ¨the baby.¨Call me crazy, but when a child can WALK UP to you and demand la teta it´s time they get some solid food (This will be true throughout Ecuador...).

2) Stars: This probably won´t change either, but the stars here are absolutely incredible. Due to the lack of pollution, lack of light pollution, and the fact we are on the equator, the night skies are phenomenal. One of my things on my ¨To-Do List¨here will be to learn more about the constellations and identify the stars.

3) Showers: Showers. Are. Cold. Simple as that. However, it has been nice not feeling like I have to take a shower everyday, simply because it´s just too damn cold to take one. The same goes for my clothes, I have gotten crafty and creative with my outfits and layering. This will not be true in Yantzaza where it´s gonna be pretty hot and I´ll be sweating in my sleep.

4) Family Times: I have really gotten attached to my family here. They have even told me that I have made an impact on them, with the mere 2 months that I have been here. This was an incredible compliment, especially because I don´t feel like I have even done anything. And this is kind of what I think my next 2 years will be like. They said they fight less, eat dinner as a family regularly and have learned a lot from me. I feel like I´ve learned 100 times more from them than they from me, but all the same, I will miss them dearly. Despite the warnings of death from showers, papas fritas for breakfast and not understanding why I don´t like liquid cheese on everything---they are amazing.

5)BIZCOCHOS: These little cookie/biscotti/cracker sticks of heaven I will miss dearly. Wasn´t a fan when I initially got here, but they have definitely grown on me. They are Cayambe´s version of biscotti and are only from this region. Mmmmmmmmmmm.


Anonymous said...

You're gonna have to bring back some of those cookie things when you arrive back in the States, I'm wanting to try them! OH!, btw ya know how you can have different clocks on your iPod? Well, Quito is one of mine!!! Just for you cuz!
Love ya more than you think,
Anna :)

Kristi said...

CORRIE!! i know you will be amazing in the amazon and i'm so excited for you, i brag about you all the time when i tell everyone what amazing things my friend is doing. p.s. everyone in my history classes are SUPERnerds, like one guy bakes to relax and another girl knew the village where the ewaks lived in starwars... its AWESOME and i feel right at home. :-D

Anonymous said...

Biscotti cookies...mmm. Are they cinnamony? Is that a word?