Sunday, August 17, 2008

If you take a shower, you´ll die

Sorry all, I haven´t had many new updates. I´ve been off and on sick the last few days...finally feeling better. And considering what other people have had here, my gripe (flu) was nothin. It was funny, I wanted to take a shower since I had been feverish and sweating all night and my host mom, Sonia, was like no--you´ll die. And I was like umm last time I checked no one died from a shower. Then Jazmin and a cousin, Domini, came in and they were like what are you doing? I said taking a shower...and they both gasped and shook their heads at the same time! It was so they saw or heard something really scary. So if something happens to me within the next 24 hours, you´ll know it was because I took a shower...

So we are entering our last full week of training! I can´t believe how fast it has gone, yet at the same time I feel like I´ve been in Ecuador a while. Which is also nothing compared to the next 2 years I´m up against...oy vey what did I get myself into! But I´m excited...I feel prepared and ready for the next step in my crazy adventure.

I did get news this week that the volunteer, Katie, that we stayed with on our site visit, is leaving. She wrote Chris and I an email saying that her work and counterpart situation aren´t working out and she has decided to go home. Which is too bad, as I felt I could have learned a lot from her. So it looks like it´s just gonna be me and Chris in the ENTIRE province of Zamora Chinchipe.

Now that the Olympics are in full swing, I´ve been able to see bits and pieces. All I´ve really heard is that Michael Phelps is tearing things UP and winning everything. Ecuador´s claim to fame and only medal winner is Jefferson Perez, a speed walker. (Which is quite ironic as everyone walks slower than spit down here...) Friday night was his big race and he was favored to win but came in second after a Russian with legs twice the size of Jefferson Perez himself (aka normal size). But it was exciting to see the country get excited for their Olympic medal winner ever. Makes you realize how much the US wins and how much we take that for granted.

Oh and while being sick, I´ve watched a ton of telenovelas...and I´ve decided I really like them.

A lot.


Anonymous said...

Two years isn't that long. Before you know it, we'll be at your South American style wedding eating lots of chips and salsa. Yummy. My stomach is excited.

Anonymous said...

i miss you soo much. im thinking about you all the time and especially now that school is starting.
btw, THE SEASON PREMIERE OF THE HILLS IS ON TONIGHT!!!!! im stoked. haha i'll keep you updated fo shizzz. i worked today to as a lifegaurd, i guess you could say im pretty amazing. haha jkkkk
OH AND P.S. in french the word for the flu is gripe too! fancy that.
and i hope you dont die since you took a shower, that would put a damper on the whole peace corps expirence thing...
i'll ttyl
---glenn coco

you go glenn coco

dara said...

i miss youuuuuuuuuuu. you would have been numero uno in my beauty pageant bebe. real letter to come soon! mwamwamwa

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well, I always give my kids ginger ale...cures everything..maybe there is wild ginger growing in the jungle that you could chomp on! We had a fun time with your familia over the weekend. Canoe trip on the little miami was a blast. stay safe xo

Anonymous said...

hey cor cor!
(side note: do u realize how many nicknames amanda and i have for you?!)
hope you're feeling better! stayed in your room while i was visiting your fam... crashed on the floor... kinda missed the purple carpet ;) lol miss you bunches! *BIG hug*

Caitlin said...

hey girl!

how did you not win the beauty pagent?! i would've voted for you! your trip sounds incredible ... i soak up every word you write :)

Anonymous said...

Corrie, I know you won't die cuz you're stronger than any problem or illness that comes you're way. Stay safe and healthy and remember that the Woepkes (including Elly) love ya doll!!
~Anna Banana and Elly Belly