Everyone came back in great spirits, all loving their sites and anxious to finish up these last few weeks before swearing-in. As promised, here are some pictures of Cayambe and Yantzaza. Enjoy!
My house in Cayambe. Behind the gate is our house, the Moinas own the Porta in front. (Porta is a major cell phone provider here, they have cabinas which are like phone booths). I make many phone calls here. The second level is unfinished; the Moinas were building it, then the dollarization occurred in Ecuador and it was too expensive to finish.
The inside of the house. It´s pretty fancy schmancy for Ecuadorian standards. My back is to the kitchen and the two bedrooms are to the left. The furthest door leads to the driveway/gate.
My room. Love the Panda bedspread....At night I generally sleep under four blankets and my sleeping bag...it gets cold! The window looks out onto the clothes washing area (we live on the first floor).
On my site visit in Zamora. Me and the other volunteer, Katie, who has been living in Zamora (the capital of the province) for about 3 months so far. We are standing in front of the Rio Zamora, which passes through Yantzaza, as well. They just built this beautiful riverfront wall and park, as you can see in the background.
Me being gangsta in THE RAINFOREST. Yea...that´s right, the Amazon. We just finished an incredible hike through Podocarpus National Park and it had rained the whole time. Still freakin´amazing.
My host family in Yantzaza. I am living with my counterpart, Dra. Monica Guaya. Her husband, Polivio, is a miner. They have a 4-year-old, Valeria, and then 11-year-old, Micaela. This is their house, I was living on the second floor, but will probably live in the ¨examining room¨the first three months in site.
Probably one of the scariest bridges I´ve ever had to cross. Taken from the Yantzaza side, I need to cross the Rio Zamora to get to my barrio (neighborhood) Gran Colombia. It will be interesting trying to get all of my stuff across this bridge...
The view of my barrio from my bedroom. It rained almost everyday, but it would clear out at night. Hot and humid, but great weather, nonetheless. It´s a great change of pace from the frigid temperatures in Cayambe. Everything is so green!
Corinda: estas raizon: estas fotos son como Costa Rica, pero con los steroides! Magnifico! Disfrutate! El Comodor
Luhvvvvvvvvvvv the pictures! It seems like a beautiful place to enjoy and live in. Hope you're healthy and happy!
Smiles, hugs, y kisses,
Anna Grace
i love your pictures!!! are the gangsters in the amazon much like the ones in st. louis? because i'm about to find out! GAH! yes, i'm here, and yesterday i met a boy on the street who asked me if i was a volleyball player.
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