Anyway, carrying on, yesterday was a health fair in Zamora, and I had the honor of cooking for it! The nutritionist at the Ministry of Health had to go to Quito, so she had me and the other two guys get everything together (but I was more or in less encargada of it all).
So I woke up at 5:30 am to start cooking. Since I was doing it, and I´m not all that friendly with cooking Ecuadorian cuisine, we made a pasta salad (my favorite), a bean salad and a fruit salad (typical). It was a lot of fun, I was pretty stressed out just because I didn´t want to screw anything up.
But the pasta salad turned out alright, my friend Rumi said my onions were too grueso or too big. Hater. But the bean salad turned out great! It was beans with green peppers, onions and steamed broccoli. The majority of people that came were students from the colegio (they have classes in Zamora) so they got to hear our shpeals on iron and eating lots of fruit and vegetables. I really had to push the pasta and bean salads, they only wanted the fruit. Some kids gave me some really smart answers as to why they didn´t want them....malcriados!
Anywy, here´s a couple pics (sorry, I´d like to put up more but this internet is slower than an old Ecuadorian woman walking...GRRR)!
Fruit salad with yogurt
Luis giving a charla to the anxious and hungry youth. Hold your caballos! You need to hear about the health benefits first!!!
You have become quite the Marta Stewart!I am most impressed!! You should introduce them to rice krispie treats next.Mammmaa
Holy crap, that's a lot of solid waste..........all those plastic spoons and styrofoam bowls! And you know that Yantzaza municipality dumps the trash into the river, right? I've seen it with my own eyes.
Andre, RPCV Chicana
hahahahahahaha. Corrie, I've become inspired by Martha, too!! I've baked an apple pie and two pumpkin pies in the last month and last night made my stir fry sauce from scratch straight out of her cookbook. ugh, she's a genious. she's like oprah. i wish i had their resources. also, to contribute to the discussion of sustainability, my friend louise made me go to this website that measures how much carbon is wasted by the food you eat.
I don't know how much you can do about the availability of reusable or biodegradable utensils, but knowing how much carbon you use can contribute to your environmental guilt trip if it can't change the way you eat!! hahahah.
love you!!
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