Anyway, on that note. I have some pictures. They are a random bunch, but better than nothin´ right?
Here Chris and I are giving a charla in Vilcabamba on Swine Flu. I am SO SICK OF SWINE FLU....but apparently they can´t get enough info on it down here. Which is good I guess. We are demonstrating how easily germs can be spread, if you are on a bus, for example. Chris ¨sneezed¨ then threw the balloons at everyone, representing the germs that can get ya.
Brown Sugar and his neice Bélen. I teach her classes at the school, one of my favorite girls. She also helps out with the Tortilla every now and then.
La Tortilla...yapping at me before I left for work. She´s a chatter box!
Last night was the FODI graduation for 4 girls that have ¨grown up¨ and now have to go to ¨Kinder¨. They all dressed in the blue dresses and then draped the cloak and red hat....each girl got to wear it. It was really cute. The cape and hat is typical graduation wear here--from kinder to medical school all wear the capes.
Here are Grigs and I at the graduation. It would be TOTALLY framable if it weren´t for my killer sweaty pits, but was hot.´s nothing a little photoshop can´t handle.
Me with the lovely educators of San Pablo. In addition to the graduation, it was also like a despedida, or farewell party. All of the FODI workers did not get their contracts renewed, so they are all done September 15. They had a little baile for them to celebrate their work. It was ended by a heartbreaking speech by the community president. It´s really sad to watch all these people go, considering how much they have done for these communities. This was an amazing organization, aside from some flaws, I would totally want to work with them again. We shall see how it goes with the new is that he might not even continue FODI, but I´m not counting on anything at this point. Oh, and the lady to my left, Doña Rosa, is my Avon lady....
Well that´s about it. I´ll be missing most of the farewell parties because next week I have to go to Cayambe up near Quito for our Mid-Service conference. It will be great to see everyone from my Omnibus again...I´m anxious to see how everyone is holding up!
So what if your entries are about going out and having fun? Work is the end of the day, it's time to go out and enjoy life. Big fan of the pictures.
I owe you a message...I'll get that to you soon.
Lovely pics Corrie! And no matter how you feel, you are always beautiful!
Totally random, but are you going to bring Tortilla to the States when you come back?
Missing you,
Anna Banana
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