I now understand what it is like to be at the center of the earth. First, the sun is freakin´strong no matter what the temperature is outside. Yesterday, we had some of our classes outside, only for a couple of hours, and I got BURNED. Like un tomate. My family just laughed at me...hahaha..not that funny.
Also, I know what it´s like to physically be at the center of the earth, because, ladies and gentlemen, I was there. My group and I were walking around downtown Cayambe and decided to visit the flower shop my host parents own. So we went, started talking with them and they were showing us a poster of Cayambe and the different things you can see. All of a sudden, my padre said "vamos" and we all crammed into his pick-up truck and drove to the center of the earth. We arrived at the equatorial line. It was so cool; they had they big monument with CAYAMBE ECUADOR and 0 0 0 written (meaning the longitude and latitude and degrees). So cool. And then a guy gave us a little "charla" on the equator. It was really interesting. So I definitely feel like a world traveler now.
My friend Casey studied in Kenya this past year and visited the equatorial line there and has now been to the one here. So she´s been to the equator twice in one year! Apparently you can swirl some water on either side of the line and it goes different directions...but we didn´t have any water...
She said she now wants to go to Indonesia to visit the only other place on land that houses the line.
We prepared today for a "charla" (talk) we are going to give on hygiene for kids on Monday. It was a lot of fun...I´m super nervous but I hope it goes well. We made up songs about washing your hands (to the tune of happy birthday) and even created a skit. I am Sabrina, the dirty kid, that gets saved by Super Jabon (Super Soap). How apropriado...hope it works!
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Sabrina! I miss your latin american other self. I am keeping up and it sounds awesome! I'm living vicariously through you as I sit in my windowless office and type spreadsheets.
Sounds like fun Corrie!! As you enjoy the experiences, I enjoy reading them as well.
Love ya a million Swedish Fish cuz,
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