Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I'll make space for your suggestion

Well, it is less than two weeks until I leave. So weird! I am going through a lot of different emotions right now, but I bet they will be about 30 times more intense once I get down there. I also feel like I should be a lot more scared and anxious, however I feel surprisingly ready at the same time. I guess this goes to show that this may be my time...

I received my plane tickets for Miami, FL and Ecuador last week. Looks like I'll be training in Miami June 16-18 when I then fly to Quito. I have been corresponding with a current volunteer in Ecuador and she seems really positive and willing to answer any last minute questions. One of mine was if she could have packed anything that she didn't, what would it be?

As I pack my life for the next two years into 100 pounds of luggage, I pose this same question: what is one thing I should definitely take with me? Creativity counts...who knows maybe I'll make space for your suggestion...


tg said...

Good luck, Jefe! Do grand and glorious things!

Anonymous said...

A bra in a nalgene bottle?

Anonymous said...
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gregoryderek said...

Amazing, Cor-Cor! This all sounds so cool! You are indeed blessed to be at such a place in such a great time in your life. Look forward to talking to you soon!